Tuesday, February 8, 2011


    The birth chart shows us both the karma we are working with and also our destinies. Karma I would define as the package that we came in with, including our relationships,our responsibilities  our bodies and health patterns, the challenges and obstacles we must overcome, as well as possible issues and experiences we bring from past lives. Destiny, which has perhaps a more positive association, I would define as our open-ended potential; the talents, abilities and growth experiences that enrich us and empower us with the feeling that we are living truly and expressing our true purpose in life.
       Karma, of course would be connected with issues that feel like Fate, things that happen to us that we seem to have no choice in. Destiny on the other hand, is only realized by utilizing our Free Will. By consciously choosing to grow, to learn and evolve, we open ourselves to our Destiny and thus realize our greater potential and purpose. The only question then is, "do we want to be a passenger, or do we want to drive? Do we want to travel in the fast lane, or take a slower path?"

     Karma is nothing but an action which encourages you to do the action over until you Get It Right.Doesn't that feel much better than what you maybe have read or heard about Karma is being Cursed or is a Curse right? We only curse ourselves by repeating the same pattern again an again which is constantly distracting us in this present life,thus this is Karma. 
 With this in mind, here are some key points in the birth chart that are worth exploring in depth and that have particular connections with spiritual work and personal growth. Although they can be focused on individually, they must also be understood against the backdrop of the entire horoscope to keep the entire life path in perspective.Further clarification can made through individual charts.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spiritual Astrology

Astrology is a spiritual art. It is not matching academic numbers to a directory. No book contains specifics about any one individual chart.

Your astrological chart shows the sky as it appeared at the time and place of your birth, when your soul chose to manifest on this plane of existence. From the moment of birth, your chart influences will continue to surround you throughout your life. The horoscope shows the situations you are going to meet in life. It shows what can happen, not what must happen. Thus, it advises ways to change anything, by your foreknowledge. There is an old saying that says "the stars impel...they do not compel".
The zodiac is a belt through which the planets move. Essentially, it is divided into 12 houses. They contain every aspect of your life. The signs are constellations (Nakshatra) that move about the zodiac. The planets are affected by the signs they're in. The signs and planets move through the 12 non-moving distinction (houses.) Such signs, movements, and positions reveal the composition of your soul and your purpose, as well as that which you must learn to be a complete person.
Your astrological wheel is literally a picture of your soul! It is very personal and must be kept and used accordingly.